Blue-White - Chemical metering and fluid measurement solutions; chemical metering pumps, peristaltic pumps, diaphragm pumps, multi-diaphragm pumps, flow meters, flowmeters, variable area flow meters, paddlewheel flow meters, ultrasonic flow meters, engineered skid systems, single skid system, duplex skid system, triplex skid system, water analyzers...

Blue-White Dosing Pumps Instrumental in High Yield Agriculture

The benefit of switching to the FLEXFLO® M4 to dose the predetermined amount of “nutrient water” was the significant output volume capability the pump possesses. The M4 peristaltic dosing pump increased the speed of the production line, which enabled a higher yield.
M4 Persitaltic Pump

Agromillora, located in Subirats (Spain), is a leader in in-vitro multiplication technology for woody species. Boasting ten laboratories scattered worldwide, Agromillora is currently multiplying more than 100 different species with more than 350 different varieties.

Agronomy is the science and technology of producing and using plants in agriculture. Agronomy has come to encompass work in plant genetics, plant physiology, meteorology, and soil science.

Agromillora has developed a revolutionary agronomic model for super high density. The model, driven by Agromillora for over 30 years, was fostered to solve many of the problems faced by growers in traditional crops.

SHD cultivation is now the only method for cultivating olives that makes it possible to keep the costs of producing extra virgin oil well below the wholesale price. It represents the result of international scientific and technological know-how in the field of olive growing.

The production goals include achieving higher productivity per unit of area and total mechanization from planting, thus reducing costs and labor. In addition, these Olive Trees experience early entry into production for faster amortization of the investment.

Less cultivation work and reduced labor, which is becoming increasingly scarce and costly, is required. Fully mechanized harvesting is possible, and the over-the-row machines increase speed and efficiency.

Perhaps most important is the high quality of the oil obtained, 100% extra virgin.

How do Blue-White’s FLEXFLO® M4 persitaltic dosing pumps play a role in this industry?

The company was previously using a Pulse Batch feature in their production line. The application was for dosing a predetermined amount of “nutrient water” into a glass jar, where the small sprig of a fruit tree, almond tree…would begin the growth/germination for eventual planting in the field.

The benefit of switching to the FLEXFLO® M4 to dose the predetermined amount of “nutrient water” was the significant output volume capability the pump possesses. The M4 peristaltic dosing pump increased the speed of the production line, which enabled a higher yield.

Additionally, the high accuracy dosing from batch to batch allowed the line to stay active because it did not stop for Quality Control checks due to jars not filling with enough of the “nutrient water.”  

Written By:
Jeanne Hendrickson
, Blue-White Industries

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